Environmental Health Safety
Environmental Health Safety
We take safety very seriously. At every step of the project, we are mindful about the safety of the materials and workforce used. Our safety standards are among the best in the industry.
As part of our commitment to achieving the principles of health and safety in our work place, we recognise our moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment for employees, contractors, customers and visitors. This commitment also extends to ensuring that our operations do not place the local community or environment at risk of injury, illness or damage.

Aims & Objectives
- We will adopt procedures to provide a healthy and safe workplace, safe plant and systems of work;
- Provide written procedures and instructions to ensure safe work practices, except where common-sense and trade qualifications are appropriate for the task at hand;
- Ensure compliance with legislative requirements and current industry standards;
- Provide such information, instruction, training and supervision to employees, contractors and customers as is necessary to ensure their continued health and safety;
- Provide support and assistance to employees and involve them in consultation on safety issues.
We recognise the responsibility to provide a safe workplace is a function of good management who will be accountable for the implementation of this policy. These responsibilities include:
- Providing and maintaining all workplaces in safe condition;
- Ensuring that all OH&S policies and procedures are implemented;
- Actively promoting and being involved in those policies and procedures;
- Providing adequate resources to meet these OH&S commitments.

Employees will ensure that they..
- Follow all OH&S policies and procedures;
- Report all hazards to their supervisor.
- Act responsibly and within Commonwealth and State laws and with due care at all times.
We are committed to encouraging consultation and co-operation between management and employees, and will formally involve elected employee health and safety representatives in any workplace change or any matters that may affect the health and safety of employees in any Workplace.